iQ Support

iQ Support has trouble shooting tips and frequently asked questions to assist you.

iQ Merchant Knowledge Base

PAX A920

How to Reboot / Restart your device
To reboot your device
1. Hold the power button on the right side for two seconds
2. Select reboot and wait for your device to restart
Issuing a Refund
To issue a refund
1. Select the blue return button
2. Enter the amount you wish to refund
3. Either tap, dip, swipe, or enter the cards information
4. Wait for a refund confirmation
Voiding a Transaction
To void a transaction
1. Select the v/sale button
2. Enter the transaction Id you want to void
3. Wait for the confirmation
How to Reprint a Transaction
To reprint a transaction
1. Select the Func button in the middle left of the screen
2. Select the green reprint button
3. Select the receipt you need printed, last, detail
4. Wait for the receipt to print and confirm your receipt
Running a Sale
To run a sale
1. Press the sale button
2. Enter the amount, or type in / scan your items
3. Have the customer pay, and wait for a receipt
Changing Time and Date
To change time and date
1. Go into the Pax devices setting, not the apps
2. Tap setting on the home screen, enter your password (if you have one)
3. Select time and date
4. Change it to the proper time
How to Adjust a Tip
To adjust a tip
1. Select the Func button on the middle left side
2. Go to the tips menu
3. Select untipped, or edit tip
4. Enter to the amount you would like to change, and wait for confirmation
How to Connect to Wi-fi
To connect to wi-fi
1. Go into the Pax device settings, not your apps
2. Go network/Wi-fi selection
3. Select your network
4. Enter the password and wait for connection to be established


How to Reboot / Restart your device
To reboot your device
1. Hold the power button red for 3 seconds
2. Wait for the beep and wait for your device to restart
Issuing a Refund
To issue a refund
1. Select the blue return button
2. Enter the amount you wish to refund
3. Either tap, dip, swipe, or enter the cards information
4. Wait for a refund confirmation
Voiding a Transaction
To void a transaction
1. Select the v/sale button
2. Enter the transaction Id you want to void
3. Wait for the confirmation
How to Reprint a Transaction
To reprint a transaction
1. Select the Func button in the middle left of the screen
2. Select the green reprint button
3. Select the receipt you need printed, last, detail
4. Wait for the receipt to print and confirm your receipt
Running a Sale
To run a sale
1. Press the sale button
2. Enter the amount, or scan in type / scan your items
3. Have the customer pay, and wait for a receipt
Changing Time and Date
To change time and date
1. Go into the Pax devices setting, not the apps
2. Tap setting on the home screen, enter your password (if you have one)
3. Select time and date
4. Change it to the proper time
How to Adjust a Tip
To adjust a tip
1. Select the Func button on the middle left side
2. Go to the tips menu
3. Select untipped, or edit tip
4. Enter to the amount you would like to change, and wait for confirmation
How to Connect to Wi-fi
To connect to wi-fi
1. Go into the Pax device settings, not your apps
2. Go network/Wi-fi selection
3. Select your network
4. Enter the password and wait for connection to be established
How to Connect Ethernet
To connect ethernet
1. Go into the Pax device settings, not your apps
2. Go to Ethernet
3. Turn the Ethernet option on in the top right
4. Test to see your connection

Swipe Simple Mobile App

How to Download the Mobile App
To download the mobile app
1. Go into your app store and type "swipe simple"
2. Download the app on your smart device *
3. Sign into the app with your credentials

*App logo will look like this
Issuing a Refund
To issue a refund
1. Select history in the menu
2. Select your transaction
3. Select refund
*You can refund a transaction that was processed in the past
Voiding a Transaction
To void a transaction
1. Select history in the menu
2. Select your transaction
3. Select void
*You can void a transaction on the same day as it was as processed
How to Connect a Card Reader
To  connect a card reader
1. Go to your device, go to settings, Bluetooth
2. Turn Bluetooth on and locate your mPOP's serial number in "devices" Section
  • Serial number can be found on the bottom of the mPOP or the box
  • Formatted: mPOP-CXXXX, with the last four digits the same last for digits as your serial number
3. Select the printer with your serial number
4. When successful, the device will move from "other devices" to "my devices" section
Running a Sale
To run a sale
1. Type an amount on the sale screen or select items from your catalog
2. Select the credit card button
3. Connect your card reader
4. Swipe, tap, or dip the card as prompted by the app
5. Select process payment on the screen
6. Enter an email or phone number to send the receipt to
Changing Batch Settlement Time
To change batch time
1. Contact us to change your batch settlement time
What Do the Reader Lights Mean?
How to read the lights
Swift B250:
  • Red flashing – low battery
  • Blue light on (constant) – Bluetooth connected
  • Blue light flashing – standby mode / waiting for Bluetooth connection or Bluetooth disconnected
To troubleshoot 
1. Make sure reader is charged
2. Connect devices and ensure they are connected properly
3. Set to max audio settings
4. If using an Apple product, allow microphone access in device settings
5. If using an Android, disable the Bluetooth
6. Try updating your app (if not on the most recent version)
7. Make sure the card is facing the proper way, mag stripe toward the black
8. Make sure cards are fully inserted

Swipe Simple Virtual Terminal

How to Save a Card
Saving a card
1. Click Virtual Terminal
2. There is a checkbox on the right side that says "save for future"
3. Check the box and then run the transaction to save the card
Creating an Invoice
Creating an invoice
1. Click invoices on the left hand menu
2. Add the customer name(s)
3. Enter the remaining required fields
4. Add any items
5. Send your invoice
How to Create a Payment Link
To create a payment link
1. Click Payment Links on the left hand menu
2. Click Add New Payment Link
3. Enter an amount or select item(s)
4. If applicable, select a tax rate
5. Customize the form with optional notes and request additional data
Sending Digital Reprints
To send a receipt
1. Go to Transaction History
2. View, Print, or Send receipt
3. Enter customer phone number or email address to send receipt
Running a Transaction
To run a transaction
1. Choose "Virtual Terminal"
2. Enter the card data
3. Select the Charge button
4. Enter an email or phone number to send a receipt
Transaction History
To see transaction history
1. Click transactions, and select history
2. Refresh page by pulling down, and click to view any sale